
  • No Loud Music. Please respect the neighbourhood and keep noise levels down, especially during night time hours.
  • Smoking (including vaping) is NOT allowed inside the vacation home. If guest must smoke, kindly of dispose cigarette butts responsibly and not onto the lawn and yard.
  • Pets are NOT allowed on the property
  • Adequate parking is available, However Heavy vehicles are NOT allowed.
  • Secure all gates, doors and windows when leaving the property unattended.
  • Guests must keep the property and all furnishings in good order and report any damage or issues promptly.
  • Guests must ensure that all appliances (Refrigerators, Stoves, Mini Appliances, etc) and BBQ Grill are cleaned after use.

  • Guests must dispose of all trash in garbage bags and place in Garbage bin/cage located at the roadside before check-out.
  • Guests are expected to leave the property in a reasonably clean condition upon check-out. Excessive cleaning required beyond normal wear and tear may incur additional charges.
  • Guests shall be mindful of energy and water conservation practices, such as turning off lights, air conditioning units and appliances when not in use.
  • Contact the owner promptly if you have any questions, concerns, or emergencies during your stay.

Pool Rules: See Pool Rules

Note: Failure to comply with these rules may result in fines, eviction from the property, and forfeiture of rental payments. By booking this vacation home, guests agree to abide by these rules and accept responsibility for any violations.

Beauséjour Vacation House

Granville Village, Cedros, Trinidad, W.I.

(868) 379-3477
Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved.